Backend.AI Client SDK for Python

Python 3.8 or higher is required.

You can download its official installer from, or use a 3rd-party package/version manager such as homebrew, miniconda, or pyenv. It works on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

We recommend to create a virtual environment for isolated, unobtrusive installation of the client SDK library and tools.

$ python3 -m venv venv-backend-ai
$ source venv-backend-ai/bin/activate
(venv-backend-ai) $

Then install the client library from PyPI.

(venv-backend-ai) $ pip install -U pip setuptools
(venv-backend-ai) $ pip install

Set your API keypair as environment variables:

(venv-backend-ai) $ export BACKEND_ACCESS_KEY=AKIA...
(venv-backend-ai) $ export BACKEND_SECRET_KEY=...

And then try the first commands:

(venv-backend-ai) $ --help
(venv-backend-ai) $ ps

Check out more details with the below table of contents.