Image Management

Query Schema

type Image {
  name: String
  humanized_name: String
  tag: String
  registry: String
  digest: String
  labels: [KVPair]
  aliases: [String]
  size_bytes: BigInt
  resource_limits: [ResourceLimit]
  supported_accelerators: [String]
  installed: Boolean
  installed_agents: [String]  # super-admin only
type Query {
  image(reference: String!): Image

    is_installed: Boolean,
    is_operation: Boolean,
    domain: String,         # only settable by super-admins
    group: String,
    scaling_group: String,  # null to take union of all agents from allowed scaling groups
  ): [Image]

The image list is automatically filtered by: 1) the allowed docker registries of the current user’s domain, 2) whether at least one agent in the union of all agents from the allowed scaling groups for the current user’s group has the image or not. The second condition applies only when the value of group is given explicitly. If scaling_group is not null, then only the agents in the given scaling group are checked for image availability instead of taking the union of all agents from the allowed scaling groups.

If the requesting user is a super-admin, clients may set the filter conditions as they want. If the filter conditions are not specified by the super-admin, clients work like v19.09 and prior versions

New in version v5.20191215: domain, group, and scaling_group filters are added to the images root query field.

Changed in version v5.20191215: images query returns the images currently usable by the requesting user as described above. Previously, it returned all etcd-registered images.

Mutation Schema

type RescanImages {
  ok: Boolean
  msg: String
  task_id: String

type PreloadImage {
  ok: Boolean
  msg: String
  task_id: String

type UnloadImage {
  ok: Boolean
  msg: String
  task_id: String

type ForgetImage {
  ok: Boolean
  msg: String

type AliasImage {
  ok: Boolean
  msg: String

type DealiasImage {
  ok: Boolean
  msg: String

type Mutation {
  rescan_images(registry: String!): RescanImages
  preload_image(reference: String!, target_agents: String!): PreloadImage
  unload_image(reference: String!, target_agents: String!): UnloadImage
  forget_image(reference: String!): ForgetImage
  alias_image(alias: String!, target: String!): AliasImage
  dealias_image(alias: String!): DealiasImage

All these mutations are only allowed for super-admins.

The query parameter target_agents takes a special expression to indicate a set of agents.

The mutations that returns task_id may take an arbitrarily long time to complete. This means that getting the response does not necessarily mean that the requested task is complete. To monitor the progress and actual completion, clients should use the background task API using the task_id value.

New in version v5.20191215: forget_image, preload_image and unload_image are added to the root mutation.

Changed in version v5.20191215: rescan_images now returns immediately and its completion must be monitored using the new background task API.